I am, admittedly, not that big on Halloween. It isn't that I don't like it, it just doesn't really do anything for me. I know a lot of people absolutely love it, but I have always been one of those people who could take it or leave it.
Alas, I am in Rome this year, so, naturally, I was curious about Halloween, Italian-style.
Yesterday was the first day that Chelsea was back in the apartment after having been gone for about a week and a half while her dad was in town, so she and Jules had decided to stay in and bake rather than go out. Camille was exhausted after a long day and not feeling the motivation to go out either and had therefore chosen to stay home and bake as well. Jasmine was the 1 of the 5 of us that was actually going full force and costume to celebrate Halloween.

I tell you all of this in order to help explain the next logical step - toga party!! Chelsea and Jules had the brilliant, yet hysterical idea to grab sheets and get in the ancient Roman spirit, so to speak. So as the baked brie that Camille had made was baking, we all got dressed up. Even better, Jules had just received a care package from home full of Halloween goodies and decorations - our apartment was getting quite festive! We sat around drinking wine and eating baked brie in our togas while we waited for the persimmon pie (the closest thing available to pumpkin) that Chelsea and Jules had whipped up to bake. Everything was delicious and we had a fun night enjoying each other's company over food and wine!

Somewhere amid all the baking and eating my friend Megan showed up to join us. We had decided that since neither one of us really wanted to go out (i.e., drink until all hours of the morning), but were both slightly curious as to what the night might contain, that we'd take an Italian stroll over to Campo dei Fiori (the American college student hang out). Of course, this somehow managed to turn into us stopping at the Glory Hole first (an apartment of 7 SAI guys that is the staple party house). There we met up with a group of 15-20 people that were well on their way to a great night!! Nick (we'd picked him up along the way), Megan, and I were all glad to be the sober ones - no joke. Anyway, eventually we managed to migrate to a club just off of Campo, don't remember the name, where we danced for a while before fleeing the constant influx of inebriation.
The next couple of hours were spent attempting to take care of a friend that had managed to get pretty messed up on absinthe (definitely not the highlight of our night), but again, it was good that we were all sober. As much as anyone hates being the babysitter, sometimes it's necessary and since everyone else was blitzed out of their minds it was good that we were there. We did learn that the Italian police and Carabinieri do not, apparently, take well to public intoxication - one thing they seem to be willing to do something about. Again, good that we were there.
When all was said and done, minus the one hiccup, we all had fun celebrating Halloween Roman-style!! And, to top things off, we get the day off to celebrate All Saints Day today - yay for Catholic states!! Back to class tomorrow and then off to Tivoli for a day trip with SAI on Friday, should be fun!!
Happy (Belated) All Hallows Eve!!
Ciao, Ciao!!
*Quick Reminder: I'm posting pictures to my MobileMe account, so if you want to see more pictures feel free to wander over there.
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